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Field hockey Slogans, Sayings and Mottos

a6fefe0bc7986da9d7a90c75a33cf45d-1Best Hockey Slogans

  1. Don’t let the skirt fool you.
  2. We’re more than just chicks with sticks.
  3. Play hard, never give up.
  4. United we stand.
  5. Pride and passion.

Good Hockey Slogans

  1. The road to victory is tough.
  2. Keep the dream alive.
  3. Sacrifice for the team.
  4. Victory requires pre-payment.
  5. All for one, one for all.
  6. Actions speak louder than words.
  7. Pride. Strength. Victory.

Funny Hockey Sayings

  1. Crush the weak, hurdle the dead.
  2. Sweat makes the grass grow.
  3. Under construction: Championship building.
  4. If you’re not good at it, play hockey.
  5. Hockey heroines.
  6. Defend the house.
  7. Tradition never graduates.
  8. We are family.
  9. Victory earned.
  10. No excuses.
  11. All out, all game, all season.
  12. Team first, always. Above all, one team.
  13. Attitude is everything.
  14. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
  15. Play like a champion.
  16. Actions speak louder than coaches.

Hockey Phrases

  1. Power surge.
  2. Teamwork makes the dream work.
  3. Fortune favors the brave.
  4. Hustle and heart set us apart.
  5. If you’re not good at it, play hockey.
  6. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
  7. Eat, sleep, play hockey.
  8. Stick with it.
  9. Earn the win.
  10. Chicks with sticks.
  11. Championships are won in practice.
  12. You can attack us, but you can’t score!
  13. Keep calm and play hockey.
  14. Our blood. Our sweat. Your tears.
  15. The easiest day was yesterday.
  16. Practice winning every day.
  17. One team, one dream.

Inspirational Sayings

  1. Good players skate to the puck. Great players skate to where the puck is going to be.
  2. Let’s play hockey!
  3. Motivation plus dedication equals success.
  4. Giving 100% in every game is the difference between a losing season and a winning season.
  5. Offense sells tickets; defense wins championships.
  6. Take the shortest route to the puck and arrive in ill humor.
  7. My kid checks your honor roll student.
  8. I’m a girl who loves hockey and chocolate.
  9. All hockey players know two languages: English and profanity.
  10. Winners train; losers complain.
  11. I can’t go out tonight; we’re in the playoffs.
  12. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
  13. If you don’t like losing, get better.

Catchy Hockey Slogans

  1. Don’t just cheer for the team—train during the off-season.
  2. The body achieves what the mind believes.
  3. It’s not pressure unless you’re unprepared.
  4. Some players dream of winning; others stay awake and make it happen.
  5. Hockey: no figure skates, no balls, no lipstick.
  6. It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.
  7. It’s not how big you are, it’s how big you play.
  8. Play like a champion today.
  9. One team, one mission.
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