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Five Ways to Discover Fun Learning

How can you tell if your child is learning and mastering essential skills through play? Our research shows that you’ll know it when you see it. Here are five characteristics of educational play:

1. Joyful

Joyful play stimulates the brain’s reward center, releasing a feel-good chemical called dopamine. We often experience this when we finally find the answer to a challenging task!

2. Meaningful

Meaningful play connects new concepts (like learning to tell time) with familiar experiences (such as lunchtime, bedtime, and playtime).

3. Actively Engaged

When children are truly immersed in an activity, they are more likely to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts involved.

4. Iterative

Practice makes learning effective. When children continuously adapt and improve their games and activities, they stimulate reward and memory networks.

5. Social Interaction

Playing with others is often more fun and helps build healthy relationships.

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