Wouldn’t it be wonderful if sportsmanship could triumph more often in sporting events? Let me paint you a picture.

bf5820177a1beab57a0db1ba0901c555Imagine you’re competing in a prestigious race and you’re sprinting towards the finish line in fourth place. Suddenly, the runner ahead of you takes a wrong turn, heading off course just 100 meters from the finish line. What would you do?

If you sprinted ahead, you would secure third place and a medal. But perhaps you believe the other runner deserves the medal? Are you in it for the glory, or to do the right thing?

A Triathlete with a Choice

This exact scenario occurred in a triathlon event. Spanish triathlete Diego Méntriga faced this dilemma. British triathlete James Teagle, who had been leading Méntriga for most of the race, mistakenly went off course.

Méntriga showcased true sportsmanship by slowing down and eventually stopping, allowing Teagle to pass him at the finish line.

“When I saw he had gone the wrong way, I instinctively stopped. It was his rightful place,” Méntriga said. “When I saw he had missed the course, I stopped. James deserved that medal. He hadn’t noticed the signs or they were misplaced. I don’t know, but I would do it again if I had to.”

Although Méntriga finished fourth, his gracious act won the hearts of many. As seen in the video below, James Teagle was deeply moved by this display of sportsmanship.

Race officials were so impressed by Méntriga’s sportsmanship that they awarded him a third-place medal. Isn’t that a great recognition? If possible, we’d give him a gold medal!

Sportsmanship in Running

Consider Meghan Vogel’s display of sportsmanship in 2012. Vogel, one of the top seeds in her race, helped a fallen competitor cross the finish line. In doing so, she finished last but demonstrated the true essence of high school sportsmanship.

Good sportsmanship is contagious. The three examples above provide valuable lessons for young athletes everywhere.

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