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What’s the Most Incredible Thing in the Classroom? Teachers!

Great teachers are like gold dust. Anyone who has had an outstanding teacher knows the immense impact they can have. When you add play to a teacher’s toolbox? It’s transformative.

Play is one of the most crucial ways children develop new thinking, creativity, teamwork, and test ideas. Add a teacher to playtime, and you have a guide who can spark interest, build a sense of community, and even show that it’s okay to fail.

After years of quality learning, classrooms become more equitable, and more families continue to thrive economically. We all benefit from this.

Go, Teachers! Let’s Support Our Teachers Together

Teachers are one of the best resources in the classroom but are often under-supported. They frequently face enormous challenges. That’s a huge waste. Research shows that happy teachers contribute to higher educational quality. If we want to unlock the potential of students and teachers alike, we must provide the necessary training, resources, and networks for educators.

School Leaders Can…

Share, Share, Share!

If you have great learning outcomes, share them. Give teachers the chance to see how others use play-based learning in the classroom. Build communities to exchange stories and knowledge.

Look for Training Opportunities

Government, universities, and charities have programs to help teachers learn new skills. Are you seeking them out?

Support Your Teachers

Set up coaches for those just starting with play-based learning or who need help. Make training ongoing, not just a one-time event. Continuous support helps teachers keep learning.

Governments Can…

Listen to Teachers

Teachers are changing schools from the inside. Include them in social and policy conversations. Create training that fits their needs in the real world and the classroom. Enhance leadership, motivation, and innovation.

Spread the Word

Share good examples of play-based learning. If schools have their own knowledge networks and communities, talk about their successes. Be the place where teachers look for and send effective content.

Invest in It

Allocate enough funding for teacher training and continuous learning. Also, ensure there are enough resources to bring play into the classroom.

Partners and Donors Can…

Advocate Loudly for Learning Through Play

Make the benefits of all educational programs, especially literacy and numeracy interventions, clear and visible.

Fund Champions

Support those who can share their passion for play-based learning.

Share Knowledge

A critical part of supporting play-based learning is creating supportive networks and communities of practice for teachers.

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